Welcome to Central! This page is full of links to help you find what you are looking for while you are on our campus. We are so glad you're here!
Worship services start at
8:30 & 11:00
All kids, youth and adult groups (ABF's) meet at
8:30 - Worship Service
9:45 - Groups/Classes
11:00 - Worship Service
KIDS (birth-6th grade)
All kids classes meet at 9:45am on Sundays.
Kids will need to be checked in at either desk on the first or second floor of the Education Building. If this is your first time checking your child in then you will fill out a paper form. Once you are added to our system you can check in using the tablets by the desk.
Preschool rooms are on the first floor of the Education Building for birth through PreK. Rooms are divided by age/development.
Kids rooms are on the second floor of the Education Building for K-6th. Rooms are divided by grade.
Parents will pick up from their child's classroom and will need to present the printed guardian tag to pick up.
We offer Preschool Classes (birth-PreK) and Kids Church (K-4th) during both services.
Preschool Classes are open for drop off any time before or during either service.
Kids(K-4th) will be dismissed from the service after worship to be escorted to the Kids Club room on the second floor of the Education Building.
YOUTH (7th-12th grade)
All youth classes start at 9:45am on Sundays.
All youth classes meet in the Youth Building at the front of the campus. Students all gather together in the large group space at 9:45 for announcements and then split into classes divided by grade and gender.
Our adult groups meet at 9:45am on Sundays.
Groups meet in two locations on our campus:
1. The third floor of the Education Building
2. The adjoining RRCA campus just east of our parking lot (you will see a large blue "Central Groups" flag)
Our groups are divided by age and stage of life. You may fit into multiple groups so feel free to try them out. Take a look at our Group List to see where you fit in.
ABF stands for Adult Bible Fellowship and that is what we call our adult groups that meet on Sunday mornings.
If you have any questions or would like help getting connected in any of our groups, contact Chris Chalman at chris@centralrr.com or fill out THIS FORM and we will help you find the best fit for you.
If you have more questions and want to find someone to answer your questions go to one of these three locations:
1. The Kids Check-In desk in the lobby of the Education Building
2. The Worship Center doors and look for one of our ushers
3. The front entrance and look for one of our greeters
You can also look for one of these friendly faces:

Chris Chalman - Executive Pastor of Ministries

Rene Mitzelfelt - Hospitality Director

Sam Mitzelfelt - Kids Director

Jenny Bates - Preschool Director

Allen Frans - Youth & Family Pastor

Jared Mitzelfelt - Young Adults Pastor

Ken Jerome - Senior Adults Pastor