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We believe it is crucial for every follower of Jesus to use their own talents and giftings to serve others. We would love to help you find your place!
If you aren't sure where you should plug in you can look through some of the highlighted opportunities below or fill out the form and we will help you find the perfect fit.
Greet people, answer questions and help visitors find groups and navigate the campus
Before and after services, as often as you would like
Take photos on Sunday mornings and at church events for our social media, website and more.
As often as you would like
Hold babies & play with 1-4 year olds. Lessons and activities are set up for you to have a great time.
8:30, 9:45 or 11:00, as often as you would like
Teach Bible lessons to 3rd-6th grade boys.
Men only for this one
Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:40
Try one of these opportunities!
Click on the team to let our staff know you are interested
Run sound, camera, lyrics or livestream. We can train you in all areas.
During services, as often as you would like
Help people find seats in the Worship Center and count worship attendance
Either service, every other week
Teach or assist with lesson and games for K-4th graders during the last half of each service.
8:30 or 11:00, usually every other week
Help to watch over our campus and assist with medical and safety needs. Training available.
There are a variety of positions and times
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