Brett McDonald
Senior Pastor
Family: Married to Helen since 2005, 3 Kids
High School: Hays High School, '01
College: Texas A&M, '05
Seminary: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, '09
Free time activities: Hanging out with the family, watching movies, watching sports, reading
Favorite Restaurants: somewhere with good brisket, Whataburger
Favorite Music: I don't know where to begin. I like almost everything.
Favorite TV Shows: the Office, Parks and Rec, a good Netflix series or documentary, Sports- Spurs, Rangers, Cowboys, Aggie Athletics, any game involving my fantasy football team
Favorite Movies: I love to watch lots of movies. I like to laugh. I don't like to cry or be scared. That pretty much sums it up.
Favorite Books: I love to collect books and read. Real life paper books. Fiction, non-fiction, history, it doesn't matter to me. I love getting lost in a good story and learning new things. One book that really shaped me early on in college is John Piper's Desiring God.I also enjoy studying God's Word and could always go for a good commentary on a book of the Bible.
Favorite places you have visited: We have lived in Central Texas for most of our lives. It's home. But Helen and I lived in Kentucky for awhile, and it was a nice change of scenery. There are actually four seasons there!
Favorite thing about Central: Central is family.
Life Verse: Matthew 6:25-34

Mark Westerfield
Founding Pastor
Family: Mark and Pam, 3 grown children, 4 grandchildren
High School: University High School, Waco, Tx
College: Baylor University
Seminary: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Free time activities: Read, movies, exercise, hang out with grandkids
Favorite restaurants: Longhorn Steakhouse, Mighty Fine
Favorite music/artists: Mainly Christian music {Hillsong, Elevation, Passion} , some ‘old school’ Christian {Keith Green, Rich Mullins} but have to have a little country {Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw}
Favorite TV shows: NCIS, Andy Griffith reruns {I think they quit making new ones}
Favorite movies: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars, Silverado
Favorite books: Absolute Surrender {Andrew Murray}, A.W. Tozer books,
Favorite place you have visited: Israel was great, London is always good to see Mandy, Costa Rica
Favorite thing about Central: Jesus is lifted up, Family atmosphere, Authentic, Seeking for more of Jesus
Life verse: Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:27-28

Chris Chalman
Executive Pastor
Family: Mandy and I were married in 2003. We have a daughter (Ramona) and a son (Max). I have a younger sister that is awesome and hilarious and parents that have been my constant encouragers.
High School: Round Rock High School
College: Texas State University
Free time activities: Watching/playing sports, playing games with my kids, traveling with my wife, playing the drums as often as possible
Favorite restaurants: Whataburger, Chickfila, BBQ of any kind, Hoody's
Favorite music/artist: Ben Rector, Jimmy Eat World, Shane and Shane, Chicago, All Sons and Daughters, Journey...
Favorite TV shows: Sports, The Office, whatever my wife wants to watch
Favorite movies: I mainly like comedies but can appreciate a good over-the-top action movie too
Favorite books: I don't read much for leisure. I like to learn. What do I need to read?
Favorite place you have visited: Camp Zephyr, Montana, Chicago, New York (though I still love Austin the most)
Favorite thing about Central: Central is an extention of my family. It's where I find encouragement, support, community, friendship and get challenged to be more like Jesus.
Life verse: Acts 4:20, Galatians 6:9

Rodnei Williams
Worship Pastor
Family: Wife, Madison
High School: Pflugerville Connally High School
College: Concordia University-Texas
Free time activities: sports photography and going to the movie theater
Favorite restaurants: Chipotle and Whataburger
Favorite music/artist: I listen to everything
Favorite TV shows: The Office and Smallville
Favorite movies: The Sandlot, Napoleon Dynamite, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Home Alone, and Hook
Favorite books: Doxology and Theology, How To Worship A King, Reading While Black
Favorite place you have visited: Taize, France
Favorite thing about Central: Central is a big family that loves well.
Life verse: Proverbs 4:23

Allen Frans
Youth & Family Pastor
Family: My family is the most important thing in my life. My wife Amy is the most beautiful princess in all the land. We have 2 kids, Colby and Molly, 1 rabbit, Rocky and 1 cat, Salem.
High School: Northwest Academy, Houston, Texas
College: Sam Houston State University, Eat em up Kats!!!
Free time activities: playing golf, watching sports, reading interesting books
Favorite restaurants: Kerbey Lane, La Margarita, Via 313
Favorite music/artists: Worship and 80's
Favorite TV shows: SportsCenter, Mystery shows, DUKE basketball and interesting documentaries
Favorite movies: Princess Bride, Tombstone, Field of Dreams, Fletch
Favorite books: Barbarian Way (Erwin McManus), Season of Life (Jeffrey Marx), The Gold Standard (Coach Mike Krzyzewski), Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Comer)
Favorite place you have visited: Alaska with my family
Favorite thing about Central: Being part of a church where we do second chances. We do grace. We do real. We do mistakes. We do I’m sorrys. We do loud really well. We do hugs. We do family. We do love.
Life verse: 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Jared Mitzelfelt
Young Adults Pastor
Family: Married to Samantha Mitzelfelt since 2016. We have two kiddos, Ellie and Ethan.
High School: Plainfield South High School, Plainfield Illinois
College: Grace College ‘16
Seminary: Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary ‘22
Free time activities: I enjoy watching baseball, fishing, playing Catan, and smoking meat on Fridays!
Favorite restaurants: Chipotle, Longhorn, Portillos (In favorite place to eat growing up)
Favorite music: Worship, Country, and Creed…and I’m unashamed of that.
Favorite TV shows: Survivor, The Office, Parks and Rec, and Shark Tank.
Favorite movies: The Sandlot, Harry Potter movies, and all the Marvel movies.
Favorite books: Marked by Joy is pretty good.
Favorite place you have visited: Budapest (Hungary), Prague (Czech Republic), Vienna (Austria), and San Diego, California
Favorite thing about Central: Central is home. When my family and I were moving down here from Chicago, Central took us in. We were loved on so incredibly and made us feel like family. It was as if we had known these people our whole lives, but in reality it was just months. Ever since then Central has been home. We love this community!!
Life verse: John 15:1-5

Jim Rowan
Missions Pastor
Family: I have been married for 41 years to my lovely wife Linda. We have two married children, our daughter Heather, who is married to Gary and our son Shaun who is married to Megan. We now have the world’s best grandchild, Jamison Tyler Rowan.
High School: Mesa High School, graduated mid-twentieth century.
College: I have attended several and have many pieces of paper from them. The Air Academy, Arizona State University, Cambridge University (how about that) and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary,
Free time activities: I work in the garden and play guitar
Favorite restaurants: Uchi if you are buying me a gift certificate, Plucker’s if I am paying.
Favorite music/artist: Christian Praise music, I try to stay current.
Favorite TV shows: Antique Roadshow because I am, well, an antique.
Favorite movies: Anything without violence or cussing that isn’t a children’s movie. They are few and far between
Favorite books: I read a lot. C.S. Lewis, Watchman Nee and , of course, the Bible
Favorite place you have visited: Nepal was beautiful, Italy amazing but I keep going back to Haiti, not for the scenic wonders.
Favorite thing about Central: The Father’s love handed out through the pastoral staff
Life verse: Jonah 3:1

Samantha Mitzelfelt
Kids Director
Family: Jared and I have been married since 2016. We have two amazing kids, Ellie and Ethan.
High School: Kokomo High School in Kokomo, Indiana
College: Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana
Free time activities: Just spending time together as family, watching Ellie play sports, playing board games, drinking coffee
Favorite restaurants: Firebowl, Chipotle, First Watch
Favorite music/artists: Forrest Frank, Phil Wickham, Cody Carnes
Favorite TV shows: The Office, Gilmore Girls, Survivor (I’ve seen every season!)
Favorite movies: I love a good chick flick or Disney movie.
Favorite books: Marked by Joy by Jared Mitzelfelt
Favorite place you have visited: The Dominican Republic, Port Aransas, Chicago, and San Diego
Favorite thing about Central: Central is family. We moved to Round Rock right after we got married, but I feel like I have known the people at Central my whole life.
Life verse: John 15:1-5

Jinny Foshee
Preschool Director
Family: I am married to JD and we have 2 amazing kids
High School: Duncanville High School
College: TCC, Dallas College
Free time activities: Spending time with my family, playing cards with our best friends
Favorite restaurants: Lupe Tortilla, First Watch, Velvet Taco, Tso Chinese
Favorite music/artists: Contemporary Christian Music (Elevation Worship, Judah & The Lion, Maverick City, Josiah Queen)
Favorite TV shows: Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens
Favorite movies: Pride and Prejudice, Ever After, Leap Year
Favorite books: The Bible
Favorite place you have visited: Turks and Caicos and India
Favorite thing about Central: The authenticity. Central is biblically solid and has been such a safe place for our family to worship.
Life verse: Proverbs 3:5-6

Adrian Ream
Girls Youth Associate
Family: Married to Dallas
High School: Westlake High School
College: University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Free time activities: Shopping for sales, cooking, being in nature and spending time at coffee shops.
Favorite restaurants: Chuys, Chuys and Chuys. Oh, and Magnolia Cafe (the one in Austin, this is different from the Magnolia Table in Waco)
Favorite music/artists: Judah & the Lion and Rend Collective
Favorite TV shows: Boy Meets World, Parks and Rec, Gilmore Girls, and The Office.
Favorite movies: Farris Buller’s Day Off, Napoleon Dynamite, and anything with Sandra Bullock.
Favorite books: Experiencing God (Henry Blackaby) & Get Out of Your Head (Jennie Allen)
Favorite place you have visited: Switzerland
Favorite thing about Central: The people. Members at Central love the Lord and it shows in the way they love others.
Life verse: Romans 12:1-2

Rene Mitzelfelt
Operations Director
Family: Married to Steve since 1989. We have 4 married children (Christina married to Pat, Mindi married to Ben, Jared married to Sam, Grant married to Kallie) and 9 grandchildren (Brayden, Noah, Zoe, Zander, Liam, Ellie, Malachi, Ethan, Audrey)
High School: Forman High School
College: Robert Morris College
Free time activities: Spending time with our growing family, hiking, fishing, reading, remodeling, travel with my hubby
Favorite restaurants: Starbucks, Portillo's and Giordano's (Illinois favorites), Firebowl, Maggiano's, Jack Allen's, 54th Street, any place with good ice cream
Favorite music/artist: I listen to a variety of music depending on my mood and activity. My playlists would probably confuse people.
Favorite TV shows: Heartland, American Idol
Favorite movies: The Wizard of Oz, Sweet Home Alabama, Day After Tomorrow, PS I Love You, Twister
Favorite books: The Bible and any books that help understand it deeper, anything Christian fiction
Favorite place you have visited: Niagara Falls (Candian side), any trip with a lake view (I love the watching the waves; reminds me of the waves of life)
Favorite thing about Central: It has felt like family and home since we moved here in 2015.
Life verse: Psalm 46:1, Matthew 11:28Psalm 46:1, Matthew 11:28

Jenny Bates
Assistant to Senior Pastor
Family: Kenneth, Hayden, Cambell and Kinley
High School: Hyde Park Baptist HS
College: Baylor University
Free time activities: RRHS and Baylor football games, waterskiing, hiking
Favorite restaurants: Chuys, Ginos, Salata
Favorite music/artists: Christy Nockels
Favorite TV shows: Downton Abbey and Hallmark movies
Favorite movies: Princess Bride, Pride and Prejudice
Favorite books: The Bible
Favorite place you have visited: Italy
Favorite thing about Central: The people! So willing to serve others.
Life verse: Zeph. 3:17

Susan Tiecher
Office Manager
Family: Me, my mom and brother.
High School: Samuel Clemens in Schertz, TX
College: Southwest Texas (Texas State University) in San Marcos, TX
Free time activities: Working out, watching movies, hanging out with friends.
Favorite restaurants: California Pizza Kitchen, Shake Shack
Favorite music/artist: Currently, Consumed by Fire, Needtobreathe, David Crowder
Favorite TV shows: Don’t really have a favorite.
Favorite movies: Almost anything Marvel, the new Star Trek films
Favorite books: The Bible
Favorite place you have visited: Chicago, Romania
Favorite thing about Central: Feels like home and family
Life verse: Ecclesiastes 3:11

Jeanie Kietzke
Financial Administrator
Family: My husband Karl, our daughter Jamie Lee, our son Derek his wife Kati and their daughters Hadley and Paisley
High School: Key West High and Scottsboro High (Moved from Key West in January of my Senior year to Scottsboro, Alabama...I walked in both school's graduation ceremonies)
College: Northeast Jr. College; Judson College; Jacksonville Jr. College; Southwest Baptist University
Free time activities: Anything with my family and sewing/quilting
Favorite restaurants: Chuy's or Mexican
Favorite music/artists: Rich Mullins, Keith Green
Favorite TV shows: Detective shows, Andy Griffith, football
Favorite movies: Princess Bride, Elf, Ever After, A Knights Tale
Favorite books: Bible (duhh)
Favorite place you have visited: Alaska and Africa
Favorite thing about Central: Youth department!
Life verse: John 7:30 - It's my reminder that nothing can happen to me that Jesus doesn't allow and if He allows it, there's a reason for it...for His Glory!

Brandon Doreck
Facilities & Outreach Coordinator
Family: wife Heather, 2 boys Jaxon and Cannon
High School: Leander High School
College: Austin Community College (art metals degree)
Free time activities: (what’s free time??) working on classic cars, smoking meat and metal work
Favorite restaurants: All things Asian (not an actual place)
Favorite music/artists: Led Zeppelin
Favorite TV shows: Seinfeld
Favorite movies: cannot decide, comedy, action and adventure
Favorite books: not a big reader. The Bible
Favorite place you have visited: Chacchoben mayan ruins
Favorite thing about Central: The People
Life verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58

Noble Rutherford
Worship Associate
Family: Wife, Peyton. Son, Milo.
High School: Homeschooled
College: Texas Bible Institute
Free time activities: Disc Golf, Pickleball, Board Games
Favorite restaurants: Any Sushi Place
Favorite music/artists: Local Natives, M83, Caamp
Favorite TV shows: Only Murders In The Building, Stranger Things
Favorite movies: The Fellowship of the Rings, Shawshank Redemption, Thor: Ragnarok
Favorite books: The Fellowship of the Ring, How To Worship A King, Psalms
Favorite place you have visited: My Aunt's farm in Tennessee
Favorite thing about Central: The pursuit for an intentional relationship with Jesus, true biblical teachings
Life Verse: Psalm 108:1

Mike Abernethy
Safety Director
Family: Married to Jessica for 15 years, 3 kids
High School: Mayfield High School (Las Cruces, NM)
College: New Mexico State University
Free time activities: Driving my kids to all of their free time activities
Favorite restaurants: Monument Cafe
Favorite music/artists: DC Talk, Andy Mineo, Lecrae, The Temptations, and Metallica
Favorite TV shows: The Office, Cheers, Band of Brothers
Favorite movies: Hoosiers, Black Hawk Down, anything with Adam Sandler or Will Ferrell
Favorite books: The Mission, The Men, and Me; Beyond Band of Brothers; Mere Christianity, The book of James
Favorite place you have visited: Silverton, CO
Favorite thing about Central: The authentic desire to reach ALL people for Christ, and feeling like being part of a huge family.
Life Verse: Isaiah 43:2-3, Deuteronomy 31:6, Isaiah 6:8

Mandy Chalman
Creative Specialist
Family: Chris and I grew up at Central and were married in 2003. We have two amazing teenagers, Ramona and Max.
High School: Round Rock High School, class of 2000!
College: Texas State University
Free time activities: Cooking & baking, traveling with my family, starting crafts I know I'll never finish.
Favorite restaurants: I love trying new restaurants.
Favorite music/artists: 80s & 90s...but my music library has a little of everything.
Favorite TV shows: The Office, Parks & Rec, Seinfeld, Friends
Favorite movies: Disaster movies (The Day after Tomorrow, Twister, etc...)
Favorite books: Thrillers, Memoirs, Anything by Kristin Hannah
Favorite place you have visited: Montana (Flathead Lake & Glacier National Park)
Favorite thing about Central: It's home!

Hannah Menning
Hospitality Associate
Family: My parents-Mark and Melinda and my 2 brothers-Caleb and Jacob.
High School: Homeschooled
College: Austin Community College
Free time activities: Reading, pickleball, and game nights with friends.
Favorite restaurants: Velvet Taco, Cheesecake Factory, and Chick-Fil-A
Favorite music/artists: My absolute favorite artist is For King and Country but I'd also currently add Brandon Lake or Terrian.
Favorite TV shows: Prison Break, The Mentalist, and The Chosen
Favorite movies: I'm not a huge movie person, but if I had to choose I'd probably say Jojo Rabbit.
Favorite books: I will read pretty much anything I can get my hands on, I don't think I could pick a favorite! But I tend to gravitate towards historical or Christian fiction.
Favorite place you have visited: Alaska and Romania
Favorite thing about Central: My favorite thing about Central is that it loves Christ, its people, and the community well. It provides opportunities for everyone to find a place to serve, to grow in their faith, and to build genuine relationships.
Life Verse: 1 Samuel 2:1

Tricia Lopez
Central Day School Director
Family: My husband, Victor and I were married in 1996. We have a son, Lucas, a daughter, Kallie who is married to Grant and a daughter, Laci.
High School: Abilene High School
College: Hardin Simmons University
Free time activities: Spending time with my family, going to the movies
Favorite restaurants: Chuys, Santiagos, Dairy Queen, Whataburger, Einsteins Bagels
Favorite music/artists: Sandi Patti, Lauren Daigle, 90s Country, Air Supply and Backstreet Boys
Favorite TV shows: NCIS (all the versions), Masked Singer, So Help Me Todd, Monk and Psych
Favorite movies: Hope Floats, All the Toy Story movies, Usually Marvel movies, Fall Guy
Favorite books: I enjoy listening to books through audible. Don’t usually have time to sit and read. I have many different cozy mystery series that I go between.
Favorite place you have visited: Maui, Venice, Universal Florida
Favorite thing about Central: I love the people of Central. From the people who sit in the seats to the ones who lead on stage, everyone is willing to serve, be real and they love Jesus. It is a safe place to be.
Life Verse: Lamentations 3:22-23

Randy Owens
Family: Sharon Baker (married 1981).
Son-Ryan (1984) and wife Abby, children-Mallory, Conner and Parker
Daughter-Courtney (1986) husband Ryan Ohendalski, children-Remington, Rhett and Rory
High School: Lanier (Austin)
Free time activities: Traveling, card games, playing basketball, golf, disc golf, anything with the grandkids
Favorite restaurants: Jack Allen’s, Morelia’s, Pizza Rev, Mighty Fine, Rudy’s, Masala Wok, Fogo de Chao
Favorite music/artist: Contemporary Christian, Hymns, Jazz, Classical, Standards…
Favorite TV shows: Andy Griffith, Everybody Loves Raymond
Favorite movies: The Count of Monte Christo, Star Wars 4, 5 &7, Lord of the Rings
Favorite books: Mere Christianity, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Raising a Modern Day Knight
Favorite place you have visited: Maui, Hawaii
Favorite thing about Central: Relationships
Life verse: Matt 22:37-39

Dale Ream
Family: Wife Kim; daughter Carrie Rusk and son-in-law Zach Rusk, grandchildren Addison and Barrett; daughter Jordan Sharrick and son-in-law Jackson; son Dallas Ream and daughter-in-law Adrian
High School: Shamrock High (Shamrock, Texas)
College: United States Marine Corps (Semper Fi)
Free Time Activity: Traveling; disc golf; reading; hiking; camping; family time
Favorite restaurants: Shipley’s Donuts; Chuy’s; Chick-Fil-A; Babe’s (DFW area)
Favorite music: 70’s, 80’s; Phil Wickham; Kevin Max; DCTalk
Favorite TV shows: Documentaries; The Andy Griffith Show; M*A*S*H; NFL games
Favorite movies: It’s hard for a moviephile to narrow it down but, most movies made in Hollywood’s Golden Age; The Lord of the Rings; Tombstone; The Patriot; Braveheart; Top Gun; Gladiator; most of the MCU; Rocky; some of the Star Wars canon; Gods and Generals; Glory; Napoleon Dynamite; Nacho Libre; most Pixar; Peggy Sue Got Married; nearly all Christoper Nolan films; anything with Jimmy Stewart, but especially It’s A Wonderful Life.
Favorite books: Most any Civil War non-fiction; C.S. Lewis; J.I. Packer; Andrew Murray; J.R.R. Tolkien; A.W. Tozer; Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Martin Luther; N.T Wright
Favorite place you have visited: Maui, Hawaii and Keswick, England
Favorite thing about Central: The centrality of Jesus and his Word in our worship and teaching; the people, and all our pastors’ hearts to serve.
Life verse: ​Isaiah 43:1b - 4

Shawn Hood
Family: Wife Vicki, kids Harry, Haley, and Hayden
High School: Round Rock HS
College: ACC
Free time activities: Travel, Walking, Reading
Favorite restaurants: PeiWei, Salata, Frost Gelato
Favorite music/artist/songs: Brett McDonald & Central Praise Team
Favorite TV shows: Impractical Jokers, anything Car related
Favorite movies: Star Wars
Favorite books: Proverbs in the Bible
Favorite place you have visited: HAITI, AFRICA, JORDAN, Bar Harbor, ME
Favorite thing about Central: Safe place to raise a family. Love God...Love Others.
Life verse: Jeremiah 29:11-13

Karl Lamb
Family: Wife Kristie, Kids, Logan, Ryan, Justin, Jordan, Blair and Charlie
High School: Pelham Highschool, Pelham, AL
College: Auburn University
Free time activities: Travel, Gym, Running, Reading and Golf
Favorite restaurants: Good Folks (Georgetown), Salty Sow (Austin)
Favorite music/artist/songs: Country, 80’s and anything from NeedtoBreathe or 3rd Day
Favorite TV shows: 24, Parks and Rec, Hallmark (not me but I have to watch with Kristie)
Favorite movies: Braveheart, Marvel Universe, Mission Impossible Series
Favorite books: The Gospels, Mere Christianity, Thriller fiction (Military/Detective)
Favorite place you have visited: Aruba, Alaska, anywhere in the Colorado Mountains
Favorite thing about Central: The Good News is preached, and relationships are built
Life verse: Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 1:18, Psalm 127:4

Ben George
Family: Wife Asha, daughter Rebecca and son Elijah
High School: Kempner High School (Sugar Land, Texas)
College: University of Houston
Free time activities: watching the Houston Texans and NFL football, game night and movie night with my family
Favorite restaurants: Pluckers, Salt Lick BBQ, the best burgers in Austin
Favorite music/artist/songs: Petra, Collective Soul, Rebecca George
Favorite TV shows: Seinfeld, a good documentary
Favorite movies: Star Wars, Field of Dreams, The Matrix
Favorite books: The gospel of Luke, the book of Acts, This Present Darkness, Prophet
Favorite place you have visited: Raleigh, NC; Nashville TN
Favorite thing about Central: Seeing how God loves His people, and, in turn, seeing how His people love others.
Life verse: Galatians 2:20