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Wednesdays, 9:15-11:30am & 6:20-8:00pm

Virtual group - Thursdays at 9:30am


Come join other ladies in a study of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah led by Ashley Christianson. Follow the theme of restoration and see how God rebuilt a city as he rebuilt his people during the times of Ezra and Nehemiah. Learn how many problems we face today were also problems Old Testament believers faced. Ashley will lead with a live teaching in the morning sessions and the evening sessions will watch a video recording of her, there will also be small group discussion time.


The Wednesday morning group will meet in the Youth Building this semester. Limited educare is available for children birth-Prek for the morning session only. Cost is $15 per child for the semester.


The Wednesday evening group meets in room 2315 on the 3rd floor of the Education Building.


We are also offering a virtual option that meets on zoom at 9:30 am on Thursday mornings.  Register for the virtual option and pay for the book, then the book must be picked up at the church office.

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Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the Community Center 


Pastor Brett leads this time of Bible study, small group discussion, and fellowship. This semester we are working through Genesis 12-19 with the story of Abraham. No sign up necessary. Refreshments provided. ​

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February 7, 6:30 in the Preschool Lobby


This is a fun way to meet new people! Even if you have never. played. Bunco you can pick it up really fast. Bring something salty or sweet to share. Invite your friends and RSVP so we can plan accordingly.

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February 16, 7-8 at The Fellowship Church in Round Rock


Join Mayor Craig Morgan as we gather in unity to pray for our city and our leaders. Free breakfast will be provided.

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June 5-9, 6-8pm


Preshool through 6th grade


Preschool - 5th Grade will be at Central Baptist Church


6th Grade will be at the Kietzke's house


How Much? FREE!

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June 12-16, Camp Zephyr


Youth who are in 7th-12th grade are headed back to Camp Zephyr for Youth Camp 2023!


Click on the button below to see all the details!

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June 26-30, 9am-2pm


Kids Adventure Camp is hosted by Camp Peniel and is for kids who have completed 1st-3rd grade. Each day will be filled with games, activities, Bible lessons and new adventures.


Cost: $105 ($25 non-refundable deposit required at registration) Parents will need to drop off and pick up their children at the park.

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July 24-27


For kids who have completed 4th-6th grade. Activities include: swimming, rec games, banana boats, water inflatables, crafts, gaga ball, archery, Bible Study, praise and worship, and relevant Bible teaching.


Cost: $285 ($75 non-refundable deposit due at registration. Balance due by July 2. Outstanding balances not paid by July 2 will incur a $25 late fee) Cost will increase to $310 on July 3.

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Wednesdays, 6:10-7:45pm


Awana provides opportunities for kids to put their trust in Jesus Christ and learn to faithfully follow Him through games, lessons and an emphasis on God's Word. It is led by parents and volunteers so it provides a great place for adults to encourage, teach and lead kids to be devoted disciples of Christ.


Cost is $40 per child with a $100 maximum per family. We require at least one parent to volunteer and help this Awana program to be exciting and safe for all!

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POWERHOUSE (7th-12th grade)

WEDNESDAYS 7:00-8:15pm​



This is a time for students to connect with each other in a youth-friendly environment. Each week there is worship and teaching that meets them where they are and pushes them to grow deeper in their faith. 



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Thursdays, at 7:00pm, Community Center​


The purpose of our gathering is for young adults to come together and look to Gods Word for guidance on topics such as theology, culture, dating, marriage, adulthood, and growing as devoted followers of Christ. This is an intentional time to hangout, drink coffee, worship, and dig into Gods Word.



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